Kids are just as much a part of God’s family as grown-ups.
When we gather on Sundays, we are committed to welcoming kids into our worship service and providing a safe, invitational atmosphere for kids to worship & encounter God, as kids.
How does this look at All Saints?
Worship begins at 9:00am. Kids and parents join in worship together for the first part of the service. After the gospel reading (around 9:20am), kids are invited forward to the front for a short “time with children” led by the pastor. Then, they head out to All Saints Kids time, during the middle portion of the service with our adult leaders.
The kids are welcomed back in time to receive Communion and participate in the final portion of the service. Any person baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is welcome to receive Communion at All Saints.
What happens during All Saints Kids time?
This is a really special time. It’s not daycare. It’s not school. It is worship!
All Saints Kids is led by a team of four teachers and four assistants. Two adults are present with children to ensure a safe environment. All ages are welcome and lessons are presented in a multiage context. Godly Play and God’s Big Story are the curricula that guide our lessons.
Our time together consists of a few parts. We:
Connect by talking and sharing about our weeks and lives. We follow the church calendar in worship and prayer, and memorize Scriptures and prayers of the church together.
Learn God’s Word from the Bible in an interactive lesson led by the teacher.
Respond to the lesson through activities and crafts that encourage growth in faith.
What if my child isn’t ready to go to All Saints kids?
Kids are more than welcome to stay in the service with their parents. We have bags with crayons and coloring pads available in the front lobby.
Is there a place to nurse or attend to my baby?
Yes! Off of our lobby, we have a Family Room available with rocking chairs and simple toys. This is a place to attend to your child and still engage in worship.
Reach out to Marla Fockler, who oversees All Saints Kids.